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SEAFOREST's flexible solar panels are suitable for installation on various roofs
Solar power generation for factories and buildings, purchase price to be tripled, period to be shortened
November 9, 2024 17:30 [Members-only article]
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will triple the amount per kilowatt-hour of power generation and shorten the period to about one-quarter of the current amount for the subsidy system for solar power generation operators. It will be implemented in fiscal 2026 as well. This will allow investment recovery in solar panels and other equipment to be completed in a short period of time, leading to the expansion of the introduction of renewable energy.
The system is called the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) system, and solar power generation operators can purchase electricity at a fixed rate per kilowatt-hour if they generate electricity on the roofs of factories and buildings...
工場・ビルの太陽光発電、買い取り価格3倍に 期間は短縮
2024年11月9日 17:30 [会員限定記事]